Thursday, December 11, 2008
Call for a special election for open New York Senate seat.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Governor Paterson, appoint me to the U.S. Senate.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Do NOT bailout the auto industry.
Federal Reserve BANK
Sunday, November 9, 2008
21 ... 50 years later.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Ma Bell and the Electric Grid.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Landslide elections: certainty, not knowledge.
We elected the smart guy.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
City States in America.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Electing the Vice President: a new system
write-in votes
Friday, October 31, 2008
National Popular Vote: compromise reform of the Electoral College.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Negative ads and media bias.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Driving kills Amercan soldiers.
Imbeciles prefer drilling and mining. And what is foreign v. domestic oil?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
No to the Federal Bailout of the Financial Industry
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Governor of ... Alaska? You're kidding, right?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Vice President
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Most overrated Favre: Brett.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Gore finally gets it right: "Gore Calls for Carbon-Free Electric Power " - NY Times
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Message to Ralph Nader
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Person to panda to weasel.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Message to Hillary Clinton
Message to Obama
Friday, May 9, 2008
What do the Clintons know about Obama?
Monday, April 28, 2008
Reverand Jeremiah Wright
Friday, April 4, 2008
Hillary the Bobble Head
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Kenneth Matinale
However, voters are not being disenfranchised because this a party vote, not a general election. It seems mainstream only because it involves one of the two major parties that set the rules in each of the fifty states. If it were the Communist party, Nazi party, Ku Klux Klan party nobody would be concerned if party members were denied delegates. In terms of access to the state voting machinery there is no difference.
Political parties may have arbitrary rules for membership and process. They are not part of the government. They may limit membership on race, creed, gender, national origin, sexual orientation. Their nominating process may be by party bosses, convention, primary, caucus, lottery, bribe. Who cares? They are not part of the government. To expect fair voting rules and procedures is silly.
Why should any party be allowed to use state general election resources for selecting candidates for any office? The current debate concerning Florida and Michigan illustrates the arrogance of the two major parties. The Republican governor of Florida is merely making mischief in trying to set policy that only effects the Democratic party. The actions of any party are private matters. The parties should pay for their processes using their own resources, not those of the government. The fact that the parties have been getting away with this for so long is a disgrace and should be stopped immediately. See my post: Electing the President: a new system.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Kenneth Matinale
March 1, 2008
As far as I can tell the only two bastions of segregation remaining in American society are women's sports and the entertainment awards. The Academy Awards were recently given for best actor and best actress. Whenever I hear women refer to their craft they use the word actor, not actress. They make a point of indicating that they are equal to men. However, they continue to accept the old gender segregation when awards are distributed. Oddly this is only for acting, not directing, writing, etc. Why? Maybe because that doubles the number of awards for acting. Is gender relevant in evaluating acting skills and performances? Why not demand it for directing? Writing?
Sports is the other remaining oddity. There are school teams, meaning any gender may join. There also are women's teams, which are restricted by gender. In professional tennis and golf there are separate brackets for each gender.
The rationale given is that women would not be able to qualify and compete with men and therefor would be denied participation. Most people would not be able to compete with good athletes. Why are women singled out? And why is pool (pocket billiards) segregated? Pool is hardly athletic competition. The Supreme Court Cases Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, KS in 1954-1955 declared "separate but equal" to be intrinsically unequal and thus unconstitutional overturning Plessy v. Furguson 1896, which upheld racial segregation under the doctrine of "separate but equal". Yet to mention this to a woman is to risk ridicule and scorn. There is no risk of rational response. Women want their cake (Brown) and eat it too (Plessy).
If you substituted any other arbitrary description of people for the word woman/women it would be obviously offensive and unacceptable: the Jewish U.S. tennis champion, the University of Tennessee black basketball team, the homosexual New York marathon winner. The New York marathon officials go so far as to set up a "separate but equal" finishing tape for women to break when the first woman crosses the finish line and God help any man runner who is near that event; he will be tackled and removed from view to preserve the pristine moment of female triumph.
What the heck is the WNBA (Woman's National Basketball Association)? Are young girls to aspire to one day play for a WNBA team? Should my niece want to play for the New York Liberty or the New York Knicks? She should want to play on a team in the best league, not in some concocted and segregated organization. What is the lesson to be learned by young girls? That they can only succeed if they are provided a separate environment? When they look for a job should they look in these companies: WIBM, WAT&T, WCoca-Cola? Such companies do not exist, nor should they, any more than the WNBA and segregated tennis and golf should exist.
Pro tennis is further differentiated by gender: men must win three of five sets, women two of three. Are women too weak to play five sets? They do not complain about this but do complain about not receiving equal pay for less work in a segregated field. Perhaps the real victim is our ability to think rationally. I do not know any woman who shares my view. That could mean that I am incorrect. It could also be that women are locked into a frame of mind similar to that of the "separate but equal" people who may have been well meaning back in 1896. The segregation of women in sports and entertainment is maintained by a mind that is set and unwilling to reason.
Stop Using Petroleum: (Don't buy a new car unless it has a plug)
There are two ways that this can be accomplished:
1. Top down. The federal government, maybe even the president, finally says: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Outlaw the use, sale, production and anything else we can think of doing with petroleum. Do it over one year starting with the beginning of spring; that gives people time to prepare for winter. No exemptions. No gradual process. It is supposed to be a shock that will change behavior and the economics of energy and transportation. Leave the rest to the free market. This should outrage and hurt pretty much everybody. Doing it nice is not getting it done. The Republican candidates for president want to find more domestic oil. WRONG! We need to stop using ALL petroleum. The Democratic candidates for president want to massage it to death; Hillary Clinton, the queen of gradualism, wants to reduce by two thirds foreign (no mention of domestic) oil by the year 2030. Hillary and most of the other candidates will be dead by then. This is typical pass the buck.
We need action NOW!
2. Bottom up. Number one is not politically likely given the lack of integrity of the candidates. They won't even increase the tax on a gallon of gasoline by ten dollars to force a decrease in consumption. They all know or should know that corn based ethanol is not effective. But because of the Iowa caucuses none of them will say it. In fact they support it. We need to take over this issue. No, not by the usual crowd of incredibly ineffective environmental people who drive to the save the planet meetings in their pollution mobiles. Regular every day people need to WAKE UP and change things NOW. Stop waiting for some candidate to convince you that he/she will do anything different. Force the issue.
Here is what we need to do:
1. Repeatedly tell both our elected officials and the leaders of the auto industry, both foreign and domestic, that we will not buy any new vehicles unless they have a plug. That means plug-in hybrid at the very least, preferably all electric. Forget hydrogen. Bush pushing it confirms that is is merely a delaying tactic. Take a year off. No car sales for a year should get their attention.
2. Reduce driving. Close the damn stores one day a week. It won't kill us. Let your kids ride bikes to soccer practice instead of driving them everywhere. With fewer cars on the road you won't be as irrationally panicked. OK, you get the idea.
3. Push the utility companies to dramatically increase their capacity to produce and deliver electricity. ALL power should be based on electricity. Produce it with wind, sun, hydro, whatever. Nuclear if we need to. Not coal. Clean coal is clean filth and just an excuse for the candidates to pander to another power group. Utility companies need to make it much easier for us to sell electricity to them from multiple locations and sources: electric car batteries, home solar and wind products, etc.
4. Trains! We need to develop the best train transportation in the world. We have the resources and the space. Inter-city travel should be primarily by train, not airplane. High speed, high tech trains. Many should carry our new electric cars. The federal government must provide the stimulus. The investment in infrastructure is too great to expect that private companies will initiate the projects needed.
5. Plastics. Stop buying those stupid packages that are ten times the size of the product and which mangle your fingers trying to open them. Plastic comes from petroleum and increases waste.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Kenneth Matinale
The 2008 primary and caucus circus has shown us that selecting nominees for president by the two major political parties is much worse than the electoral college system for the general election. I propose a simple fair system that combines the nominating and general elections.
The objective is for an American citizen to get forty percent of the votes cast. If two citizens get forty percent then obviously the one with the higher percent becomes president elect.
There would be at most three national elections. The first person to get forty percent becomes president elect. All elections may be one day, a weekend, a week, whatever. Voting would be online and the system could be used by states to elect members of the House or Senate at their discretion. Most states would use it for Congressional elections as it eliminates cost.
1. July 4 - Independence Day. What better time to start the process? The top four vote getters advance to the second round, unless of course someone gets forty percent and becomes president elect.
It is around the time of the first party convention. The Republican and Democratic parties swap having their conventions: one in July and the other in August. Since both are petrified to have the nominee actually selected at the convention this election would only be an improvement. The major parties can act before this to settle on a candidate to eliminate votes being splintered among multiple candidates and having all shutout of the next round. They can continue to jerk around with conventions, primaries, caususes, back room selections, ... However, people may vote for anyone. Third party candidates and those completely independent can receive votes. The major parties can be ignored. Ralph Nader and Mike Bloomberg would have a chance. An incumbent president might get the forty percent and end it.
2. Early September - Labor Day. The final four are on the ballot, although we could allow write-ins. Two will advance unless someone gets forty percent. Then it's over.
If the process were in place in 2008, the two finalists could be from the same party, say Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, eliminating John McCain and Mike Huckabee.
3. First week in November. This would be pretty much like what we have now but without the silly electoral college, winner take all nonsense.
Simple and fair. Easy to understand and implement.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Immigration: the solution
By Kenneth Matinale
May 16, 2006
1. Raise the minimum wage significantly and ENFORCE it.
2. Enact national health care for all U.S. citizens.
This is in addition to the obvious stuff:
- deport illegal aliens and put them on the end of the line;
- solve two problems at once by bringing our troops home from Iraq and have them protect the borders, especially along the wall that should be built between the U.S. and Mexico.
Yes, the United States Army, not the national guard, not the border patrol, should be used to protect the nation’s borders. That’s as basic as it gets when it comes to national security and defense. Change or remove any laws that may preclude this such as the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. It would also be helpful to treat Mexico as an antagonist, not as an ally. Mexico has no incentive to stop the flow of its most disadvantaged citizens into the U.S. Stop pretending that it does and stop trying to not offend the Mexican ruling elite. How about a Radio Free Mexico program to incite the poor Mexicans to petition the Mexican government to address their grievances, rather than illegal aliens rallying in the U.S. Until the economic system in Mexico is changed, Mexicans will continue to flow into the U.S. Mexico has natural resources. It needs to distribute the wealth.
We also need a national database of all U.S. citizens and of all persons in the U.S. The president’s idea about an ID card for aliens only is a distraction as are all of the rest of his proposals on immigration. His only concern is to continue to allow his rich friends to exploit the aliens as cheap labor who have no rights.
The business people claim that they do not know if a worker is illegal. Sure they do. If the worker is willing to work for much less pay, that worker is illegal. Raise the pay and Americans will do the work. Have the government pay for health care and the business owners will not have that expense.
President Bush proposes an ID card but only for aliens, not for U.S. citizens. That won’t work. If a person states that he/she is a U.S. citizen, how will the employer know that the person is not lying? Will the employer request documentation? That will be fun. Americans have been conditioned to irrationally resist a national ID card or database with unexplained elliptical emotional metaphors such as 1984, black helicopters, Nazis, Communists, Waco. You name it. We currently rely on state drivers licenses. Great, national security based on the competence of the motor vehicle department. Times 50.
Bush basically indicates that the problem is that illegal aliens do not have papers. His solution is to give them papers. That’s no solution. That’s obfuscation.
Republican business owners are intrinsically opposed to illegal immigration. However, twenty years ago they realized that they had entered pig business heaven: cheap labor that they had only dreamed of. For them the current system of exploitation is better than slavery, which was one of many forms of cheap labor as were indentured servitude, serfdom, etc. As opposed to slavery, the business people do not need to house, feed, or clothe the illegal aliens; nor do they need to wait years for the young slaves to grow and become productive. They also do not need to buy slaves: no capital investment. They can get rid of them quickly and completely by contacting the border patrol to remove them, sometimes without even paying them. Of course employers do not pay social security, health care, workers compensation, etc. This system is an opiate for these Republican business people. They try to resist but they cannot. They are addicted. It trumps all their biases.
How about toughening and then enforcing the law against hiring illegal aliens? And add this: deport the employers along with the workers.
The Constitution needs to be amended in three ways.
Amendment XIV (14)
Section 1.
"All persons born ... in the United States ... are citizens of the United States"
This is being abused. Change it to require that at least one parent must be a U.S. citizen for the child to be a citizen.
"nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws"
Change person to citizen.
Section 2.
"Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons"
Change persons to citizens. This is the most fundamental mistake in the Constitution.
Later "inhabitants" should be changed to citizens.
The only way to remove the business advantage of hiring illegal aliens rather than American citizens is to:
- Raise the minimum wage significantly and ENFORCE it.
- Enact national health care for all U.S. citizens.
Sunday, November 18, 2001
President Bush and Senators Schumer and Clinton:
Please read “Connect the Connectors” (Mass Transit) by Alex Marshall, The New York Times Magazine, page 106, Sunday, November 11, 2001. The basic point is this.
“Last year, Washington lavished $12.5 billion on air travel, $33.4 billion on highways and a mere $520 million on Amtrak. This is a ridiculous imbalance, all the more so when you factor in the $15 billion that went to prop up the airlines after Sept. 11. It’s also dangerous. Relying so much on air travel is what military planners call a lack of necessary redundancy.”
Obviously, this could also mean less dependence on oil, especially foreign oil. Finally, it would reduce pollution and improve quality of life.
Kenneth Matinale
10 Stewart Place, 2CE
White Plains, NY 10603
October 10, 2002
To: Senators Schumer, Clinton and Rep. Sue Kelly
CC: George Walker Bush
Vote NO on war.
CIA letter to Congress:
"Baghdad for now appears to be drawing a line short of conducting terrorist attacks with conventional or C.B.W. against the United States," Mr. Tenet's letter read, referring to chemical and biological weapons. "Should Saddam conclude that a U.S.-led attack could no longer be deterred, he probably would become much less constrained in adopting terrorist actions."
How many American lives are you willing to lose to accomplish what appear to be unnecessary and imprecise goals against Iraq? Against Syria? Pakistan? Saudi Arabia? Iran? Wouldn’t they be next?
The best way to reduce U.S. involvement in the middle east and vulnerability to terrorist attack is to reduce U.S. use of oil by conservation and development of alternate energy sources.
How many American lives is that oil worth? If we could save American lives by conserving energy, why shouldn’t we do it?
Show some backbone.
P.S. I was appalled that the president chose to address the nation about war, not from the oval office, but before a cheering partisan audience. Take him to task.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Kenneth Matinale
February 18, 2008
Free slave animals, a.k.a., pets. There is no euphemism applied to human slaves that cannot be applied to animal slaves. If you "own" a pet, you own a slave.
They have been subjected to breeding that results in dogs with horribly short legs, dogs that fight and attack, etc.
They are transported in cars in ways that would have the driver arrested if they were children: seated on the driver's lap (great air bag), with head hanging out the window (great for decapitation), unrestrained (no seat belt - what they cannot go flying?).
They are neutered.
Their young are taken away.
They are handled and played with as if they were toys.
Animals like all this? Perhaps some human slaves liked their treatment. It was still slavery. It is the natural order of things? White humans dominated blacks, men dominated women? That was the natural order, too, or so we thought.