Friday, February 5, 2016 registered 7 days before Obama took office.

There's no home page but it is registered:

Important Dates

Expires On
January 13, 2017
Registered On
January 13, 2009
Updated On
March 04, 2015

Barack Obama was sworn in to his first term as president on January 20, 2009, seven days after was registered. For whom was it registered?

Bill Clinton had left office January 20, 2001, succeeded by George Bush the younger. Presumably Hillary Clinton had already accepted Obama's offer for her to be nominated as his Secretary of State by inauguration day 2009.

Clinton Foundation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton Foundation Founded 1997
Founder Bill Clinton
Purpose Humanitarian
Location New York City
Area served Worldwide

The Clinton Foundation ... originally founded in 2001 as the William J. Clinton Foundation


While there's a bit of confusion about when it was founded, it's clear that it's Bill's foundation. It has this website:

Referral URL:
Updated Date: 2013-04-08T17:12:26Z
Creation Date: 1999-09-30T20:53:06Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2016-09-30T20:53:06Z
Sponsoring Registrar:, LLC...

Registrant Name: Clinton Foundation
Registrant Organization: Clinton Foundation,,,

Admin Email:

So if Hillary was supposedly using the email service of the foundation why is the domain she used, which was set up at least eight years after the foundation?

Clinton’s ‘Secret’ Email Accounts By Eugene Kiely Posted on May 22, 2015

the New York Times published copies of emails that (Hillary) Clinton had sent and received when she was secretary. The emails displayed two accounts: and

... (Hillary) Clinton did not use the government email system while secretary of state. Instead, she used a private server and email account...

(Hillary) Clinton’s claim that she created after she left office.

Classified Data Found in Personal Email of Colin Powell and Aides to Condoleezza Rice
By STEVEN LEE MYERS and MARK MAZZETTI FEB. 4, 2016 The New York Times

WASHINGTON — The State Department has discovered a dozen emails containing classified information that were sent to the personal email accounts of Colin L. Powell and close aides ofCondoleezza Rice during their tenures as secretaries of state for President George W. Bush.

Two emails were sent to Mr. Powell’s personal account, and 10 to personal accounts of Ms. Rice’s senior aides...

Ms. Rice ... her chief of staff, Georgia D. Godfrey, said that she did not use email or have a personal email account while secretary.

Mrs. Clinton, nine days later, forwarded it to an aide from her email address — — with a brief note, “Pls print.”


Print? Who prints email messages this millennium? And Hillary's IDs were hdr22 and hrod17? How juvenile.

The problem is not necessarily two IDs. The problem is Hillary using a private and likely much less secure email server instead of that of the State Department. Why do that? It's not because she was already familiar with it because its creation coincides with her becoming Secretary of State.

This is a further indication of just how technically oblivious Hillary is. If she insisted on using personal email as Secretary of State, that shows incompetence. Her many thousands of unsecure messages dwarf the dozen of Powell and Rice. But there's another disturbing dynamic.

Hillary's aids either were too afraid to inform her this was not wise or to insist she not do this. Or she ignored good advice. None of this is positive.

Until 2013, Justin Cooper, a longtime aide to former President Bill Clinton, managed the system. Cooper had no security clearance or expertise in computer security.[11]

The email server was stored in the Clintons' home in Chappaqua, New York until 2013...

The Clintons paid Bryan Pagliano, the former IT director for Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, to maintain their private email server while Clinton was Secretary of State... Security experts such as Chris Soghoian believe that emails could be at risk of hacking and foreign surveillance... Clinton's server was configured to allow users to connect openly from the Internet and control it remotely using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Services...These records showed that, using a computer in Serbia, the hacker had scanned Clinton's Chappaqua server at least twice, in August and in December 2012. It was unclear from the reports whether the hacker knew the server belonged to Clinton, although it did identify itself as providing email services for Marc Maiffret, a cybersecurity expert, said that the server had "amateur hour" vulnerabilities.[21]


I searched the article for router and then for wireless. Neither were found. Was the server accessible to anyone nearby through a router, which included wireless connectivity?

And Bernie Sanders should give a damn. If he doesn't, he's oblivious, too. Both are too old to serve and they show damn poor judgement.

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