Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Break up the United States of America.

It wasn't worth commenting on the debt ceiling hysteria.  Two things were clear:

1, President Obama should have stuck to his original position: bring me a clean bill, one that only increased the federal debt ceiling.  He should have emphasized his point by stating that he would veto anything else.  Unfortunately he engaged in negotiations at which he may be the worst president of all time.  His skills and inclinations are much better suited to being president of a college where he could try to reason with other really smart people.

2. Both major parties should have completely ignored the so called tea party members of the House of Representatives.  On the final vote they voted no, which means that no concessions needed to be made to them.

Break up the United States of America.

It's obvious that we have two incompatible views of governance: central v. decentralized.  This is the cleaned up version of what we are.  Then each of the new components can create a government to their liking.

Geographically, the good old USA does not lend itself to this divide, so three, maybe, four new nations could spring from the grand old 50 states.

1. Dumb States of America (DSA)  See post Wednesday, February 24, 2010.

2. Northeast States of America (NSA): New York, New England, maybe New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland.

3. Pacific States of America (PSA): California, Oregon, Washington.

4. Mid-western states would need to choose between #1 and #2 or form their own land locked country (MSA): Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, ... did I omit any?

NSA and PSA belong together philosophically but the geographic divide is too great.  We don't need east and west Pakistan circa 1947.

It makes a lot more sense than the mess we currently have.  On to the constitutional conventions!

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