Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Message to Biden on his raiding the home of Trump.

Sent at whitehouse.gov:

The FBI raid on the home of former president Donald Trump is inexcusable. If the issue was really initiated by the National Archive, that organization should have explored all avenues to communicate with Trump to get the documents it wanted.

Letting your administration raid the home of your predecessor on behalf of the National Archive is such a fundamental outrage. Like your refusal to stop the mob besieging the homes of the Supreme Court justices, you now invade Trump's home.

Violating someone's home is fundamentally an assault on that person and the person's immediate family.

The responsibility for this goes up the chain of command: FBI Director, Attorney General, President. The buck stops at your desk as President Harry Truman said.

You three must address the American people and explain yourselves. Otherwise, the U.S. will continue to descend into a banana republic.

You have done nothing to bring us together. Everything you have done has driven us further apart. This raid on the home of your predecessor is merely the most recent.

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