Saturday, November 24, 2012


The New York Times:
With Stickers, a Petition and Even a Middle Name, Secession Fever Hits Texas
Published: November 23, 2012

Some conservatives in Texas have been asking ... how to secede.

Secession fever has struck parts of Texas ...

A petition calling for secession that was filed by a Texas man on a White House Web site has received tens of thousands of signatures, and the Obama administration must now issue a response...

treasurer of the Hardin County Republican Party: "the fundamental cultural differences between Texas and other parts of the United States may be best addressed by an amicable divorce, a peaceful separation.” ...

Residents in other states, including Alabama, Florida, Colorado, Louisiana and Oklahoma, have submitted similar petitions, though none have received as many signatures as the one from Texas...

But all the secession talk has intrigued liberals as well. Caleb M. of Austin started his own petition on the White House Web site. He asked the federal government to allow Austin to withdraw from Texas and remain part of the United States, “in the event that Texas is successful in the current bid to secede.” It had more than 8,000 signatures as of Friday..

TEXAS SECEDE!  I think I signed the petition as did other non-Texans.  You never know.

I have long advocated secession.  Here are excerpts from several of my secession posts:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
City States in America.

Once New York sets the precedent, all large U.S. cities should follow. They all have the same problem: lack of representation in the Senate proportionate to their large populations. Once cities started to secede the Congress would have no choice but to admit them as city states. If not, they could each become an independent country.  Cool.

Friday, September 11, 2009
Rep. Joe Wilson should secede.

Rep. Joe Wilson is the jackass who two days ago cried out in the middle of an address by President Obama to a joint session of Congress: "You lie!"

... jackass Joe Wilson should secede. If his Congressional district does not like it, the district should secede. If his state of South Carolina does not like it, South Carolina should secede. It already knows how. Am I the only one to notice that the issue of secession was never resolved constitutionally? Just because the Union army won and forced the rebellious secessionist states back into the union does not mean that they do not have the right to secede. Let them. If Lincoln had been truly great there would have been no Civil War. Lincoln should have either resolved the matter or let them go. Does the United States of America really need South Carolina? Mississippi? Alabama? Louisiana? Even Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia? Let them take their peculiar institutions and go. GO!

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Two Americas? At least.

Let states and other municipalities secede. No, the American Civil War did not settle this issue. Show me the constitutional amendment, which addresses this. If Lincoln had truly been great there would have been no civil war. When slave states seceded, he should have let them go. He could have corrected some of the original mistakes while leaving the original sin of slavery where it belonged: with the slave states of the Confederacy. The peculiar institution would have ended in about twenty years and the Confederacy would have failed by then. Those states could have been considered for re-admission but on terms that would have made far more sense than what evolved out of the civil war.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Dumb States of America (DSA)

The old Confederate States of America (CSA) could join with some of the western states that are also dumb and form the Dumb States of America (DSA)...  Let states secede and form the DSA. Then they can produce as many guns as they want, leave their children uneducated and have a nice weak central government like the old CSA. It was that weak central government that ultimately doomed the CSA.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Break up the United States of America.

It's obvious that we have two incompatible views of governance: central v. decentralized.  This is the cleaned up version of what we are.  Then each of the new components can create a government to their liking.

Geographically, the good old USA does not lend itself to this divide, so three, maybe, four new nations could spring from the grand old 50 states...

It makes a lot more sense than the mess we currently have.  On to the constitutional conventions!

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