Saturday, November 3, 2012

Romney: Reagan with brains. A non-endorsement.

Mitt Romney may be the first Republican candidate for president since Nixon who is intelligent relative to the job.

I still don't understand why Romney is not more popular.  He's good looking and well spoken like Reagan and with a much better family.  And he has good hair.  Isn't that what it takes?

I wrote in September 2011 that Romney can win.  I still think so.  I might even vote for him.  I've finally accepted that the Electoral College makes individual votes in most states, including New York, irrelevant.  Romney and Obama are running for president of Ohio, which must have the stupidest voters in the country.  They allowed themselves to be duped into voting for Bush the Younger in both 2000 and 2004.  Ohio gave both victories to Bush.  The deciding issue in each election was one of those moronic social things that people get worked up about to rationalize why they are voting against their own best interests.  In 2004 I think it was homosexual marriage.  In 2000 ... who remembers.  Something stupid.  Ohio is stupid.

Liberals get themselves duped, too, which is why I'm dumping Obama.  I might vote for myself or if I'm feeling lazy in the voting booth I might vote for Romney.  The environment is always an issue on which I can depend on the Republican candidate to totally revolt me and Romney has done it this year.  Obama says much of the right stuff but he did not deliver.  Plus, he's such an expedient wimp that he tries to outdo Romney on junk like burning coal, exploiting public lands and drilling off shore. With a Democrat like Obama who needs a Republican.

So if I'm going to have a Republican president maybe I should get the real thing.  At least Romney has run businesses, which is more than Reagan ever did.  And maybe Romney will come through on the environment in a Nixon going to China sort of way.  Maybe Romney can bring the knuckleheads in his own party around to some substantial improvements, the kinds of things that Obama talks himself out of before he even gets started.

I'm pretty sick of Obama.  Too bad.  He's such a smart guy.  He knows what should be done but cannot get it done.  He's a congenital compromiser and the worst negotiator of all time.  Except for that mess Obama care, which he stuck us with instead of single payer universal health care, his policies are indistinguishable from what Bush would have done, especially bailing out GM and Chrysler, which was a golden opportunity to fundamentally change the auto and energy industries.  Obama never even considered that.  And he dealt with the financial industry like a Republican.

Obama promised change we can believe in and to change the way in which the federal government operated.  Obama failed miserably based on his own criteria.  Dealing with Congress is part of the job.  Blaming the opposition is not acceptable, especially when Obama's ineptitude prevented progress in the first half of his term when his party controlled Congress.  That is what enabled the opposition to take control of the House of Representatives.

In the immortal words of that great screw up, Al Gore, who lost the unloseable election: it's time for him to go.  Back to Chicago, Hawaii, wherever Obama wants to pretend that he belongs.

Barack, we hardly knew ye.

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