Friday, June 29, 2012

Obama sucks. Romney, too. So now what?

Thursday, September 8, 2011 Romney can beat Obama.

I'd really like to consider Romney, if only he'd say something intelligent.  I know he's not that dumb but he's been pandering to nuts for so long he may have forgotten how to think.

Who is the bigger waste of talent: Bill Clinton or Barack Obama?  Both compromised so much that they forgot why they wanted to be president.  Both are really smart but dumb it down to appeal to dumb constituents.

We are to blame.  We, the American people.  None of the politicians will say it but we all know it.  Americans are divided into three groups:

1. those who want this
2. those who want that
3. those who don't know what they want.

The election is about the hearts and minds of #3.  That's where all the campaign money goes.  What, you thought the system was actually corrupt?  No.  One third of us are stupid and need to be influenced by television ads because we're too dumb and lazy to know what the heck is going on.

All that money is not being paid to voters.  It's being paid to television networks, the big three traditional over the air networks, not even cable channels and sure as heck not the Internet.

Campaigns need to sell their candidates like soap, just like in 1968.  See the book The Selling of the President 1968 by Joe McGinniss.

So here we are, in the middle of the Internet age, with twitter, facebook, blah, blah, blah, and we are going to select the leader of the free world like we were buying soap.

And you wonder why the candidates behave as they do?  Because we need them to.  Because we're dumb and lazy.

You get the government you deserve.

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