Friday, April 4, 2008

Hillary the Bobble Head

I've noticed that Hillary Clinton in her increasingly strained efforts to project some sort of persona has evolved into a satire of a bobble head. With her ever increasing bulk, made more apparent in her bright pink or yellow jackets, she mugs an enlarged false smile with eyes practically bulging out of her head. Then she agrees with herself by nodding her head up and down. She looks more ridiculous than any Hillary bobble head that I could find on the web. Her perfunctory supporters placed in view behind her, of course, nod too. With Hillary's influence they appear to be her bobble head pips, you know, like Gladys Knight. The whole crowd is bobble heading to Hillary's screaming. She must think screaming is presidential. The other candidates nod in agreement with themselves, too, but they lack the comic value that Senator Clinton has achieved, probably because she is not a natural politician like her husband and must work at even the most elementary matters. Nod on, Senator Clinton! You can corner the bobble head vote.

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