Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Imbeciles prefer drilling and mining. And what is foreign v. domestic oil?

Imbeciles. What else would you call people who not only do things against their own best interests but cheer wildly about it? Arizona Senator John McCain, Republican candidate for president, has consistently emphasized fossil fuel over renewable energy sources. Maybe because McCain is such a fossil himself. The crowds attending his rallies and those of his candidate for vice president, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, confirm McCain's preference. Yesterday Gov. Palin was addressing a crowd in one of those annoying battleground states. Maybe Pennsylvania, which has an interest in coal. Maybe the amazingly stupid Ohio, which continues to vote for Republican presidential candidates and provide the margin of victory. In 2004 Ohio voted for Bush the younger over Senator John Kerry because Bush had the morons fired up over homosexual marriage. Nice job, Ohio. Four more years of ruinous energy policy and a financial crisis for a little extra abuse for the imbeciles in Ohio. Hey, Ohio, those steel mills are not coming back! Build some damn solar panels and wind mills. I cannot remember if Gov. Palin mentioned energy before or after she insinuated that Obama is a socialist but she mentioned, with little enthusiasm, renewables: wind, solar, etc. The crowd got the message. There was little positive reaction. Then she told how we need to use all sources ... including drilling for oil! Huge applause. The crowd gets it. McCain and Palin are not serious about renewable energy. McCain and Palin only mention renewable energy because it's politically necessary to attract those undecided imbeciles who will decide the fate of the nation. Who could possibly continue to be undecided? Imbeciles! The crowd began using the chant popularized at the Republican convention by Rudy Giuliani: drill baby drill. I can't believe that I actually considered supporting that jerk. Giuliani being both Italian and a New Yorker were factors but there is no excuse. Giuliani gets worse each time he speaks. Then it got even worse. Gov. Palin said we need to mine. The crowd chanted "mine baby mine". No joke. I understand that America is getting what it deserves from electing two oil men, Bush and Cheney, ... TWICE. That idiot Gore could not even point out in 2000 that they were oil men. I understand that they are bums who only care about themselves and their rich friends and that supporting fossil fuel is the easiest way to keep the money flowing no matter how much it is against the national interest. I understand that McCain and Palin desperately want the power that was built on this policy. But what the heck do the imbeciles in the crowd get? Do they actually like pollution? Do they doubt that wind and sun can produce energy? Maybe the anti-science attitude of Bush resonates with imbeciles. Do they think that real men do not get energy from wind and sun? Do they believe that they have a right to pollute? Or are they just stupid idiot moron imbeciles who don't know when they are being abused and beg for more abuse? Candidates of both major parties say they want clean coal. I do not believe that Obama and Biden are that dumb. I believe that Obama and Biden are weasels attempting to fool the imbeciles in Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc. Same thing with off shore drilling. Obama says that he supports it but he prefers renewable energy. He's a weasel but he's not dumb. McCain and Obama mention dependence on foreign oil, that we need to end that. How about ending our dependence on oil? McCain sees off shore drilling as a way to add to the oil supply of the United States. What makes him think that multinational corporations would keep that new oil in the United States? They will sell it to the highest bidder. Drill off whose shore? Pennsylvania and Ohio are land locked. Florida does not want it. What state actually wants this off shore drilling? Bush described America's addiction to oil years ago. What kind of imbecile morons cure an addiction by increasing the supply? Drill and wait years for more oil that may or may not wind up in an American refinery. Mine and wait years. Build a nuclear plant, as McCain also prefers to renewable energy, and wait years. Install a wind mill or solar panel and have energy today. Individuals can do these things without waiting. Why cheer drilling for filthy oil? We need to fill up the oil wells and coal mines with dirt to prevent the politicians from even being tempted to use those fossil materials as energy sources. If they have the option they will exercise it in times of stress, even a little stress. Imbecile Gore in 2000 wanted to raid the nation's strategic petroleum reserve because the price of home heating oil might be too expensive that winter. Some statesman. Eliminate the fossil option. Convert to electric cars, not hybrids, so that the driver does not need to know what fuel is used to create the electricity. Don't be an imbecile. Is that asking too much?

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