Thursday, November 6, 2008

We elected the smart guy.

Obama is way smarter than McCain. Since Nixon was elected in 1968 and 1972 the Republican party has nominated the dumber guy in every presidential election. What's the deal with dumb guys? It probably is connected to the Republican outreach to hillbillies and dumb working people. Republicans ran the 1968 through 1988 elections based on the lyrics in Randy Newman's song Rednecks: "keeping the niggers down". With Reagan in 1980 they had tossed in abortion. That lasted through 2004. By 1992 racial antagonism finally became too offensive even for them so they added junk like religion, socialized medicine, homosexual marriage, guns, pollution, and a fear and distrust of science. With all that baggage how could they nominate anyone who was smart? They couldn't. Here are the twosomes in the way smarter than group: - 1976 Carter way smarter than Ford - 1980 Carter way smarter than Reagan - 1992 Clinton way smarter than Bush the elder - 1996 Clinton way smarter than Dole - 2008 Obama way smarter than McCain. In 1988 Dukakis was much, maybe even way, smarter than Bush the elder. Clearly smarter than: - 1984 Mondale over Reagan - 2000 Gore over Bush the younger. In 2004 Kerry was much smarter than Bush the younger. Every year. Every damn one. The Democrat was smarter. That's not healthy, especially when the dumb guy usually wins. We should vote for candidates who are smarter than we are, not as dumb as we are.

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