Thursday, November 13, 2008

Do NOT bailout the auto industry.

Do not bailout any industry. Here are the top two industries that should NOT be bailed out: 1. Oil 2. Auto. See the connection. They undermine our new national direction on energy and environment. If those issues are not important enough, they also undermine the economy and national security. Dump them. Do not save them. To expect that either will change after a century of entrenchment is delusional. Propping them up is only supporting the opposite of what we know must happen: 1. Stop using oil. 2. Use only electric cars. Too big to fail. Wow, what a lousing reason to bail out an industry. It's less expensive to pay the auto workers until they get new jobs. If the federal government is willing to give auto makers $25,000,000,000, why not give it to NEW companies that commit to only producing pollution free electric cars? America needs to retool and doing it quickly is less painful in the long run. Cut the ties. Let the auto industry die a long overdue death.

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