Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Governor Paterson, appoint me to the U.S. Senate.

Governor Paterson, appoint me to the U.S. Senate. Now that Hillary Rodham Clinton has been nominated by president-elect Barack Obama to be Secretary of State, you are considering candidates to replace her. How about a true citizen senator: me, Kenneth Matinale? I have all the lack of elected experience that Hillary had when she was elected in 2000 and that of the latest celebrity person to express interest, Caroline Kennedy. I cannot match Hillary’s qualifications to be Secretary of State, being married to the president for eight years, but then neither can Caroline who, as a child, lived in the White House for only three years ... with her parents. Which makes one wonder why Obama is still so concerned about the Clintons, who have been thoroughly vanquished, that he would completely overlook an equally qualified candidate for Secretary of State: Laura Bush. But I digress. I am a lifelong New Yorker, born in Brooklyn, raised in Queens, graduate of Xavier High School in Manhattan (same as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia), graduate of St. John’s University in Queens. Hillary did not even live in New York when she was elected in 2000, having just established phony baloney residence in cutsey Chappaqau in Westchester county only with the financial backing of Democratic party groupie, Terry McAuliffe. She has hardly lived in Chappaqau since entering the Senate. How many nights has she spent there in Chappaqau during her Senate tenure? Over/under 100? At least Caroline is a New Yorker, having lived her entire adult life here and raising a family. However, Caroline’s Uncle Ted lives in Boston, Massachusetts. OK, her Uncle Bobby had that New York Senate seat but that was a long time ago and he was a bit of a carpetbagger, although nothing like the TOTAL carpetbagger Hillary is; Bobby had lived in Bronxville for part of his childhood. I remember when Bobby pointed that out during his senate campaign in 1964, I had never heard of Bronxville and thought: oh, Bobby, it’s the Bronx, not Bronxville. Silly me. Hey, my Uncle Phil lives in Port Washington, NEW YORK. Yeah, how about that! Score another point for me! Does Hillary even have uncles? Like you I am a black person. And, if you want to replace Hillary with another woman, I can be a woman, too. You’re blind, so how the heck would you know? Don’t listen to any lies from the person reading this to you if he/she states that I am a sixty-year-old Italian guy. Unless, of course, you want to appoint a sixty-year-old Italian guy. Then I am a sixty-year-old Italian guy. There, that should establish my credentials to be a politician. My positions on a wide range of issues are contained in my blog, which has been provided. You will agree with me, unless that liar reading it to you lies again. You blind people really need to be careful about that. Governor Paterson, appoint me, Kenneth Matinale, to the U.S. Senate. You won’t regret it.

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