Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Repeal Obamacare!

2-2.  That's the score in federal court after a judge just supported the 26 of our 50 states bringing the case by declaring the entire health care law unconstitutional.  Two courts have upheld the law and two have ruled against it.


That means the U.S. Supreme Court will almost certainly have to hear the case, hopefully soon enough that the ruling will cause the issue to be a major issue in the 2012 presidential and congressional election.

The main provision providing the basis for appeal is the mandate that people buy health insurance starting in 2014 if they do not otherwise have it.  If the law is struck down in 2012 then there will plenty of time for a new president and congress (all of the House and one third of the Senate) to be elected and pass universal health care (Medicare for all U.S. citizens) in 2013.  Not much lost in time but much gained by ridding of us of that mess of a law that Obama to his shame agreed to support in his most offensive weasel compromise.

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