Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Obama, super wimp!

Super Bowl Sunday on the FOX network established two things:

- Bill O'Reilly is the most boorish American
- Barack Obama is a super wimp.

It was demonstrated on MS-NBC last night that in his White House interview of the president O'Reilly interrupted Obama at least once on every question, about 50 times.  I have never seen an American president treated so rudely.

In recent years the conduct and treatment of the president has continuously declined, starting at least as far back as George Bush the elder in 1992 when he was unsuccessfully running for re-election against Arkansas governor Bill Clinton.  Bush was interviewed on the NBC Today show starting around 7:15AM.  He submitted not only to commercial interruption but to a 15-20 minute break for the local news.

As a kid I can recall seeing an hour long interview of President Eisenhower at 10PM.  There were no commercials.  Eisenhower was treated with great respect and the setting was very formal.

Obama followed his humiliation at the hands of O'Reilly with a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce intended to convince the U.S. business community that Obama doesn't really regard them as the Republicans they are: bums who are only concerned about themselves and their rich friends.  I heard this morning on CNN that 48% of their business is outside the U.S.  Maybe the name of their lobby group should be changed to reflect that: 52% U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

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