Friday, September 11, 2009

Rep. Joe Wilson should secede.

Rep. Joe Wilson is the jackass who two days ago cried out in the middle of an address by President Obama to a joint session of Congress: "You lie!".
I doubt that President Obama lied any more than his predecessor, George Walker Bush, lied. They engage in political talk, something with which jackass Joe Wilson should be familiar. One of the astonishing things about this is the subject: whether illegal immigrants will receive health care coverage. Is that the issue that hits the core of jackass Joe Wilson's being? Is that the MOST important thing in the world to jackass Joe Wilson? Is that what caused jackass Joe Wilson to humiliate and embarrass himself, his Congressional district, his state of South Carolina, his Republican party, the United States of America? Health care for illegal immigrants? What a jackass!
I had pretty much let the matter drop except that now, two days later, the unapologetic jackass element of American society is fully supporting jackass Joe Wilson, 3 to 1 in his home district, South Carolina's second Congressional. I can remember a co-worker putting up a sign in 1987 during the Iran-Contra hearings: "Go get 'em, Ollie!". I remember thinking: Go get whom? Our elected representatives who were trying to get Oliver North to tell the truth about an illegal project that was disavowed by President Reagan? What kind of jackass cheers for the criminal?
Jackass Joe Wilson has made what appear to be deliberately lame apologies, blaming his apology on his party leadership, which I am guessing is backing away from its immediate contrition to embrace the unexpected jackass outpouring from its natural constituency: middle class people who have a bottomless and endless capacity to act against their own best interests.
What do jackasses want in health care?
1. Lose it when you lose your job! Yeah!
2. Deal with private bureaucrats, not public bureaucrats! Yeah! The ones over whom we have absolutely no control! Yeah!
3. Have our doctors make boatloads of money! Yeah!
4. Opt out: have no health insurance! Yeah! Why should we pay for something we may not need? Yeah!
5. Deny health care to illegal immigrants! Yeah! This actually makes sense except that the reality is that illegal immigrants will get health care in the most inefficient and most expensive way: the emergency room.
What makes a jackass run? In this case, race: the fact that the president is black. Is it just a coincidence that jackass Joe Wilson is from South Carolina, the state that started the American Civil War by attacking a federal fort!? I think the reason some people are so hot about some of Obama's policies is the fact that Obama is BLACK!
What should be done about jackass Joe Wilson? The House of Representatives should sanction him as it would if his outburst had occurred during a session of the House. Jackass Joe Wilson should go into the well of the House and apologize to that body, to the President and to the American people ... with no caveats or other weasel words.
Then jackass Joe Wilson should secede. If his Congressional district does not like it, the district should secede. If his state of South Carolina does not like it, South Carolina should secede. It already knows how. Am I the only one to notice that the issue of secession was never resolved constitutionally? Just because the Union army won and forced the rebellious secessionist states back into the union does not mean that they do not have the right to secede. Let them. If Lincoln had been truly great there would have been no Civil War. Lincoln should have either resolved the matter or let them go. Does the United States of America really need South Carolina? Mississippi? Alabama? Louisiana? Even Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia? Let them take their peculiar institutions and go. GO!

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