Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Gang of Six represent dirt, not people.

Tonight President Obama addresses a joint session of Congress about health care. He has finally called the gang of six senators to account. They are:
three Democrats:
Max Baucus (Montana)
Kent Conrad (North Dakota)
Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico)
three Republicans:
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
Mike Enzi (Wyoming)
Olympia Snowe (Maine)
This link shows that others have already pointed out the obvious: that these senators represent dirt, not people. How the heck can dirt senators develop health care legislation for people?
Not one of these six states contains a city large enough to have a sports team in MLB, NFL, NBA. What a joke. This cannot be an accident. Random choice would have resulted in at least one state with more than 14 people. It shows the carnival atmosphere preventing serious progress on this basic issue. Neither Grassley nor Enzi are senator level individuals. Maybe they are good enough to be elected to a backward congressional district in the House but to be elected to state wide office does not reflect well on their home states.
Barack Obama, get serious. Barack Obama, GET TOUGH!

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