Monday, March 30, 2009

With Democrats like Obama, who needs Republicans?

Today President Obama outlined his auto industry policy: business as usual. He intends to continue to try to save a dieing industry that deserves to die. If Obama had been president 100 years ago he would be saving the horse drawn carriage industry.
I am appalled that he is wasting this opportunity to make fundamental change. The change that he campaigned on is apparently not much change at all, just enough to get him elected.
Obama claims that he is concerned not only about GM and Chrysler but also the thousands of small companies that produce and supply parts. Many if not most of those suppliers will remain in business even if the two big pigs do not. Some will supply foreign manufacturers with plants in the United States. Some will produce other stuff, maybe even the stuff that goes into the types of cars that should be created, not the pig-mobiles that will continue to roll off the assembly lines thanks to the lack of courage of the president of the United States of America.
Maybe the worst thing that he announced is a huge tax incentive to get Americans to buy new pig-mobiles this year. This is exactly backwards. It is exactly what I expected Hillary Clinton to do if she had been elected president, which is the main reason that I supported Obama for president. It's not even 100 days and I am already very disappointed in Obama.
He signaled his expedience in his inaugural address. As I pointed out at the time he must have known that he was stating something that was incorrect when he described himself as the 44rd person to take the oath of office. I asked why would he state something that he knew to be incorrect. His policies since then reveal an all too basic instinct for political acceptance by the mainstream media and political establishment.

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