Thursday, March 5, 2009

National health care needs a single payer system.

Barack, enough already with the compromise stuff.  You need to be big and bold.  Nationalize the banks and call for a single payer system for national health care and universal coverage of all citizens.  I know this runs against your natural inclination to be cautious but these times demand much boldness.
Stop worrying about the word game: nationalize, socialize.  Who cares if someone still wants to pretend that it will be construed as socialism?  Call it whatever you want, just do it.
Health care is one of several important issues with obvious solutions that people like you are too timid to advocate.  Your position on health care is that if we were starting from scratch you would want a single payer system but that we need to consider all those special interest groups including insurance that have been preventing the USA from getting universal coverage.
Aside from health care itself, there is a consensus among economists that health care costs are the major problem that must be solved in the long run.  So, solve it!  Single payer system!  Let's go!

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