Tuesday, January 19, 2021

"Knock on Any Door" to find a nutcase.

A QAnon ‘Digital Soldier’ Marches On, Undeterred by Theory’s Unraveling

Valerie Gilbert posts dozens of times a day in support of an unhinged conspiracy theory. The story of this “meme queen” hints at how hard it will be to bring people like her back to reality.
By Kevin Roose Jan. 17, 2021

A friend wrote to me saying that a friend knew the subject of this article and asked my opinion. My reply:

I had to stop reading so that my head won't explode. This reeks of the junk that made me stop reading the Times. If it's all so obvious, why does the writer need to tell us that in every paragraph? He just keeps pounding that narrative. Hey, I'll draw my own conclusions. Just provide facts.

"Like any movement its size — which is almost certainly in the millions, though it is impossible to quantify" What?

This lady has too much time on her hands. I feel like I slipped into an alternate universe. It looks like the USA but isn't. Even the sports leagues are part of it. Who cares about her? Why even write this? There's an old movie:

"Knock on Any Door" 1949

Nuts abound, especially if they can get 15 minutes of fame, which is assured since we all have access to each other online. Who would have thunk it 25 years ago when the web started?

Ignore TV and "papers". Journalism is dead and it's not coming back from the grave. We all need to find alternate sources, made increasingly difficult by large communication and technology companies acting in concert to limit access to alternate ideas.

I should post this ...


Citizen President Trump: the government we deserve. Thursday, September 6, 2018

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