Saturday, January 8, 2011


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and Obama's plans for health care reform in general, is often nicknamed "Obamacare".[138] The term was usually used pejoratively, but some supporters of the act suggested after being passed that it be embraced and used positively, a la the term Reaganomics to refer to President Ronald Reagan's economic policies of the 1980s

John Boehner (bay-ner) serves as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Elected to represent the Eighth Congressional District of Ohio for an 11th term in November 2010, John is a proven leader in the drive for a smaller, less costly, and more accountable federal government.

In the 1960s and early 1970s in the United States, leftists, particularly the Yippies, sometimes used "Amerika" rather than "America" in referring to the United States.[1] It is still used as a political statement today.[2] It is likely that this was originally an allusion to the German spelling of America, and intended to be suggestive of Nazism, a hypothesis that the Oxford English Dictionary supports.


Former back bench flame thrower and later smart aleck speaker Newt Gingrich (1995-1999) popularized the use of democrat instead of Democratic as in the democrat congressman. It was obviously intended as an insult and display of disdain, similar to the misspelling of Amerika. The Democratic polititians either were too dense to realize this or, more likely, too wimpy to do anything about it. Personally, I would have retaliated with the grammatically less sound pejorative republic congressman but that's just me.

Following suit, the much less smart Boehner is the leading user of the term Obamacare, I think unwisely. Next week, his second as speaker, Boehner will lead a pointless exercise in the House to repeal Obamacare. The Senate will not vote for it and the President would veto it even if both houses of congress passed it.

So why do it? Boehner wants to undermine the President and force the "democrat" members of the House to take a stand on it, something which they inexplicably refused to do before they were all elected in November 2010.

Boehner and the other republic members of the House are making a huge mistake. Most Americans are just beginning to feel the impact of the Obamacare legislation and it will be either a non-issue or an improvement. What else could it be? For those of us on planet earth in the good old USA how could anything be much worse than the private health insurance bureaucracy, which has been in effect in recent years?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A personal experience with health care insurance.

Republic politicians bamboozled American voters once again into voting against their best interests. Democratic politicians were too wimpy and ineffectual to counter this. Shame on them both.

In next week's debate Democratic members of the House may feel unburdened by election pressures and actually attack the increasingly silly positions of their republic colleagues.

Republic politicians are foolishly forcing people to closely associate the President with the improvements in health insurance and care that are likely to occur before he faces re-election in November 2012 and before any real negative impact occurs.

Perhaps even more stupid is the term itself: Obamacare. Parse it. Obama care. Obama cares. When an American voter feels good about medical care in the next two years with whom will that individual personally associate that? Obama, who cares. About them.

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