Friday, July 23, 2010

Obama can lose re-election to the first Spanish speaking president.

John Ellis "Jeb" Bush: born February 11, 1953.

Sunday Chris Mathews and his panelists stumbled around the idea that the former governor of Florida could defeat President Obama in 2012 in part because Jeb speaks fluent Spanish as a second language. They failed to describe him as the first Spanish speaking president, somewhat akin to Bill Clinton being described as our first black president.

Jeb is the son of President Bush the elder.

Jeb is the younger brother of President Bush the younger.

Jeb is smart and well spoken in English, something that his presidential relatives were not. Unlike his presidential brother Jeb seems to have actually gone to class while in college. Jeb also lacks his brother's boorish qualities.

Jeb has these advantages:

- he no longer holds public office
- he would not be immediately succeeding his brother
- his children have a Mexican mother and were described indelicately as "the little brown ones" by President Bush the elder, their grandfather.

If Jeb could garner 90 percent of the "Spanish" vote that would overwhelm Obama's 90 percent of the black vote and could decide the election.

Were Jeb to be elected president he would clarify the Bush dynasty as the greatest in U.S. history. So far Bushes have been elected to three presidential terms, one while losing the popular election. Bush the elder lost re-election.

Adamses were elected to two presidential terms, John Quincy while losing the popular vote. Both lost re-election.

Harrisons were elected to two presidential terms. The elder, William Henry, died soon after taking office. His grandson Benjamen lost the popular vote in both his elections, winning in the electoral college in the first.

Roosevelts were elected to five presidential terms but Theodore was a distant relative of Franklin who racked up four of those victories all by himself. Each had been governor of New York.

John Kennedy was elected to one presidential term. Two of his brothers were elected to the U.S. Senate and two of his nephews were elected to the House of Representatives and a niece was elected Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. I think that the Bushes already have that trumped with two presidents and a governor.

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