Friday, March 12, 2010

American citizens need health care, not health insurance.

It's pretty simple and basic. Nobody cares whether or not they have insurance. They just want access to health care. Medicare for every American citizen. I advocated that back in August 2009 on this blog and in a message that I sent to my member of the House and my U.S. Senators and to President Obama. I sent it again today to those same recipients who have yet to "get the message". Drive the damn insurance companies out of business. We do NOT need health insurance! We do not have police insurance. We just call the police and they respond. And for the current Republican rant about the tenth amendment and how requiring people to buy health insurance violates the tenth amendment: hey, states require car insurance. That pretty much sums up our priorities: cars before people ... and that's in the weird world in which insurance is deemed necessary to be healthy. Prohibit employers from providing health coverage. Hey, maybe a side benefit would be to encourage them to stay in the USA and be more competitive. The government should pay the bill as it does for national defense, the interstate highway system, blah, blah, blah. Oh, that would be big government! Government run health care! YES! Get over it! USA is the most powerful country in the history of the galaxy. Stop acting like it's Mayberry. Grow the heck up! We have a government run ARMY! Want to change that to an insurance system supplied by employers? You lose your job and you lose your army insurance and you may be invaded by the Russians. Oh, well that's stupid. Yeah, so is employer based health insurance, which you lose when you need it most when your employer fires your ass! I'll take my chances with that government bearueacrat over the ones I deal with now in the private health insurance companies. And the government is not going to fire me.

1 comment:

Karen said...

It's good to put sensible thoughts out into the universe. Hope our government/legislature/president can do something about this.