Monday, February 9, 2009

Barack Obama: Get tough!

Many years ago I was watching the old Boston Celtic basketball dynasty on TV with center Bill Russell as the key player.  For the seasons ending in 1965 and 1966 Boston had a backup center named Mel Counts, a young seven foot skinny, soft looking guy sitting on the bench.  There was a banner upstairs in the old Boston Garden: Mel Counts, Get Tough!
I am reminded of that by President Obama's feel good attempt to achieve unified support in Congress for an economic stimulus package.  What is called for is toughness, even meanness.  Obama needs to push radical policies such as nationalizing industries (banking, auto, energy), imposing universal government supported health care and putting huge chunks of the stimulus money to be spent directly into the hands of American citizens.
Instead Obama is succumbing to the nicety of bipartisanship.  Obama needs to do what Bill Clinton did not even attempt when he tried to reform health care in his first term: enforce party unity and pass the legislation without the other party.
Bold action is needed, not the insipid middle ground that appeals to the small minded.  Obama, be radical, not neutral.  We elected you to be the chief executive.  You must write the legislation.  You cannot wait for Congress to write the legislation.  Allowing the two houses to bat this legislation back and forth only plays to the natural inclination of the timid to delay.
It is not a question of letting the elusive perfect detract from the good.  This legislation is not good.  It is still trickle down economics but on a massive scale.
Weak policy will fail.  Obama may get a compromise bill.  It will not work.  Radical change is needed.  Now!

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