Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Laura Bush for U.S. Senator from New York

Laura Bush.  Of course.  She has exactly the same qualities that Hillary Clinton had when Hillary became U.S. Senator from New York:
1. Laura does not live in New York.
2. Laura was married to the President of the United States for the previous eight years.
3. Laura has never held elective office.
New York Governor David Paterson yesterday indicated that he may take gender into consideration in selecting a successor to Sen. Clinton (who is becoming Secretary of State) because only 17 of the 100 U.S. senators are women.  Hey, Laura is a woman!
Gov. Paterson also indicated that ethnicity may be considered.  Well, he mentioned only one  ethnic group: Hispanics.  He said that New York has not had an Hispanic hold state wide elective office.  I cannot recall an Hispanic person being the nominee of either the Democratic or Republican parties for governor, U.S. senator or state attorney-general.  Comptroller maybe? Being a candidate would increase chances of being elected so I do not understand the governor's reasoning in singling out one particular ethnic group for special consideration unless, maybe, the governor is playing politics.  For instance I do not recall an Asian person being a candidate for any of those offices and the governor does not seem to be concerned about them.  Maybe because they are not vocal.

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