Monday, August 26, 2024

If it were 1968, Kennedy siblings would support Johnson, then Humphrey, not their father.

I don't know her capacity for such things but we can only wonder what 96 year old mother Ethel Kennedy thinks about the rift among her children. Daughter Kerry Kennedy, married to Andrew Cuomo 1990-2005, wrote an article about Ethel in Ms. magazine in May 2024. Ms. magazine.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. decided to run for president. Initially, he wanted to challenge incumbent Democratic president Joe Biden but the Democratic party blocked him and also a member of the House who also wanted to challenge Biden in the primaries.

So, RFK, Jr. decided to run as an independent. His objective was to get on the official ballot in all 50 states. He did many long interviews with all sorts of people. The Democratic party took action to prevent him from getting on those ballots.

His siblings opposed him. They accepted an invitation to the White House to meet with Biden in March 2024 for St. Patrick's day. They later announced their support for Biden and not for their brother.

A few days ago RFK, Jr. ended his active candidacy and made a 48 minute announcement about that and his support for Republican party nominee former president Donald Trump. I listened to his entire speech when it was available on YouTube. It was thoughtful and thorough.

His siblings went ballistic. They posted a statement of opposition on X from Rory, Kerry, Joseph II, Kathleen.

They appear to have an extreme case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Months ago when they endorsed Joe Biden, apparently they did not notice his dementia when they were his guests. When Biden withdrew his candidacy for a second term, they endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. And they endorsed her running mate, whom Kerry calls coach Walz, referring to Tim Walz, Minnesota governor and former member of the House.

Walz had been an assistant, not head, coach of a high school football team. That's the least of his inflated descriptions. Walz has repeatedly lied about his military rank and record. In 2020 Gov. Walz let anarchy and arson destroy large parts of Minneapolis. Walz is the worst nominee for president or vice president since at least the 1950s.

Joe Biden is a pathological liar. Biden has been taking bribes for half a century, including from foreign adversaries China and Russia. That is treason. His policies are disastrous.

The siblings of RFK, Jr. prefer Biden, Harris and Walz over their brother, who opposes the war between Russia and Ukraine. So do I.

In 1963 vice president Lyndon Johnson succeeded assassinated president John F. Kennedy. In 1964 Johnson was elected president and Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota was elected vice president.

Johnson escalated the war in Vietnam from 16,000 U.S. military advisors to more than half a million combat troops. There was great unrest and division about the war.

Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York came to oppose the war in Vietnam. Initially, he declined to challenge Johnson in the 1968 presidential election. But the other Senator from Minnesota, Eugene McCarthy, challenged Johnson and almost beat Johnson in the New Hampshire primary.

Ultimately, on March 16, 1968 Kennedy announced he was also a candidate for president. Some thought he was an opportunist.

March 31, 1968 Lyndon Johnson withdrew as a candidate for president.

If they had been adults in 1968, wouldn't the Kennedy children, who now oppose their brother Robert, have initially supported president Johnson? And when their father entered the race, wouldn't they have opposed him. And when Johnson withdrew and VP Humphrey became the establishment candidate, wouldn't they have supported Humphrey and continued to oppose their own father?

It sounds vulgar but it's a pretty good analogy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Assembly has devolved into the mob. Re-examine the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Pertinent here:

"the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Assembly in recent years is rarely about petitioning the government. Even when it is, Congress is rarely considering legislation about prohibiting or abridging.

Sometimes assembly is public support group stuff. But usually it's the mob intent on intimidating, which makes cowards of the rest of us if we don't present a counter mob and engage in violence.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


The second amendment contains the word militia but not the words self or protection or hunting.

I'm guessing that both of these amendments to the Constitution have been expanded greatly by case law and turned into mush. Most people who invoke them rarely, if ever, read them much less understand.

Assembly in a public place, with or without a permit, and roaming around intent on engaging the police should not be protected. Simply ignoring this is not an option either. The purpose of the mob is to get media attention, not public discourse. The media likes it because it gets ratings, etc. Who doesn't like watching a train wreck?

Modern communication makes assembly unnecessary. Mob members could stay home using their computers to inform their elected representatives of their views. They could become media with podcasts, etc. They do not need to assemble.