Friday, April 26, 2024

Unconditional Surrender: the only cease fire for Palestinian terrorists (Hamas).

Unconditional Surrender was the World War II objective of the Allies, primarily the United States and Great Britain to defeat Nazi Germany and Imperialist Japan.

People in the U.S. supporting Palestinian terrorists (Hamas) is appalling enough but the lack of rational thought perpetuates the war.

Israel has been clear about its objective after the unprovoked horrific violent attacks of October 7, 2023: elimination of Hamas (Palestinian terrorists) who continue to hold hostages taken that day.

The Palestinian terrorists hide in their network of underground cave passages and in or near obvious places that are off limits to military action: hospitals, schools, etc. Why would they do that? Because they are cowards who have no concern for the "civilian" Palestinians.

If the Palestinian terrorists are so few among the 2.2 million Palestinians in the Gaza region, why don't the vast majority seize them and turn them over to the Israelis? Could it be that most Palestinians support terrorism against Israelis?

Cease fire is a nonsense phrase like two state solution for those who do not want to face the reality that the only solution is the Unconditional Surrender of the terrorists. Don't negotiate with terrorists, real or imitation in provocative mob actions.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Electoral College: can't any citizen become a member and vote for anybody?

The Electoral College should have been replaced by direct popular election of the president long ago. But in the interim, why not try to free it from the two major political parties and use it as it had been envisioned in the beginning?

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. is 70 years old and running for elected office for the first time. He's running for president. But his party has denied him fair access to the primary system, so he is trying to get on the ballot in all 50 states unaffiliated with either of the two major parties, which he calls the uni party.

His website and emails are all about donations to this effort and events intended to raise money. The money is to be used to collect signatures to satisfy arcane rules to get non uni party electors for the Electoral College. 

1. Forget the ballot. Voters should be able to write in anyone for any office.

2. Voters should be able to vote for presidential electors who are either committed to a candidate or uncommitted and want to meet and deliberate.

There is something that's been around for multiple presidential cycles called the national popular vote. It's purpose is to circumvent the current Electoral College system of winner of the popular vote in a state getting all the electoral votes in that state. Almost all states do it that way. The replacement is the winner of national popular vote gets sufficient Electoral College votes to be elected president.

In most presidential elections the winner of the national popular vote has also won in the Electoral College which is all that counts. But not always. Two recent examples of that not happening are:

2000 Bush beat Gore

2016 Trump beat Hillary Clinton.

The media does not address this because it prefers to handicap the nonsensical Electoral College race, especially concerning the few swing states where the outcome is likely to be decided. New York and California are ignored by the candidates because the outcome is very likely not in question.

The "insurrection" on January 6, 2021 was really an interruption of a ceremony at which 50 envelopes are opened and known results recorded. The vice president presides in this ceremony but has no discretion or power. The ceremony could have resumed the next day or week.

The current sloppy manual unverifiable voting system is an embarrassment. We have no way of checking on cheating or mistakes. For president, this is in addition to the ridiculous Electoral College.

We should vote online in all elections, including for president, and we should be able to vote for anyone. There should be no ballot.