Saturday, October 3, 2015

Repeal the second amendment, the right to bear arms.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

That's it.  Forget legal interpretations.  Forget background checks.  Blah, blah, blah.

Just eliminate it.

This week there was another mass shooting, this one in Oregon by a white guy, so there's no racial connotation.  Conservatives are too afraid and liberals are too limited, both too hypocritical, to get anywhere near comprehensive policy.  So, ...

Pass a new amendment that repeals that one.  That's how prohibition was handled.

Repeal the second amendment.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Obama agreement to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons is intellectually dishonest.

President Barack Obama's agreement with Iran to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons is based on a fundamental intellectual dishonesty.  During his press conference he just brushed it aside.  Here it is.

Iran has long been a major oil exporting country, which means that it has way more energy than it needs for use at home.  Iran has no need for nuclear energy.  The only reasonable explanation is that Iran wants nuclear plants in order to produce the fissionable material to create nuclear weapons, i.e., nuclear bombs.

In addition to oil Iran also has abundant sunshine and wind.  If it really needed something other than oil to produce energy, it could use solar and wind technology.  But Iran did not choose anything other than nuclear to augment its use of fossil fuels.

It is intellectually dishonest to simply ignore that and just plow ahead with the myopic approach that Obama and just about all the other powerful people in government have.

I oppose the Obama agreement to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.  There should be no negotiations.  Iran should be required to eliminate its nuclear program in its entirety or suffer dire consequences.  I urge my Congressional representatives to vote against the Obama agreement on Iran.