Friday, March 30, 2012

Death to Obamacare!

This week the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case challenging the national health care legislation passed recently by Congress. Initially I was rooting for it to be upheld but I realized that I was reacting to the right wing morons yapping spewing nonsense.  Moderate Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney accused President Obama of trying to cover everyone, as if that was a bad thing.

This legislation is and always was a typical Obama mess, a weak hopelessly convoluted diversion from what anyone with any sense knows we need: Medicare for all U.S. citizens, the ultimate single payer system.  Instead of honestly increasing taxes to pay for it Obama and his fellow Democrats passed a constitutionally suspect mandate that uninsured individuals must pay a modest penalty or be forced to buy insurance from a private company.  This mandate has evolved into a huge distraction and undermined the entire bill.

Obama continues to be a huge disappointment to those who voted for him in 2008 because of his promise of fundamental change.  As written here many times in various ways, Obama's policies have not varied from those of his predecessor.

It's better for the country for the Supreme Court to completely overturn the legislation so that whoever is elected president this year can work with the new Congress in 2013 to enact universal Medicare.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Al Sharpton: provocateur and shake down artist.

Al Sharpton is a provocateur and shake down artist.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  Always was.  Always will be.

MSNBC should be ashamed that this clown now appears in his own one hour TV talk program five days a week plus being included in panel discussions on other MSNBC talk programs as if he actually knew something and had credentials like some of the other panelists.  He sticks out like the clown he is.

Now Sharpton is appearing with the family of the teenager who was shot to death in Florida and who mysteriously has become the focus of national attention in the news media.  Sharpton has gone full circle from Tawana to Trayvon.  The only constant is Sharpton's shameless disregard of facts and the public good.

Sharpton never met a sensitive situation he would not exploit for personal aggrandizement and self promotion.  Maybe he should just get a regular job and earn an honest living.