Sunday, December 4, 2011

Small deal for small minds.

This Is a Big Deal
December 3, 2011

a deal with all the top U.S.-based automakers that will go into effect in 2017 and require annual mileage improvements of 5 percent for cars, and a little less for light trucks and S.U.V.’s, until 2025 — when U.S. automakers will have to reach a total fleet average of 54.5 miles per gallon. The current average is 27.5 m.p.g.

I was shocked to read this description.  This deal is crap.  Typical Obama halfhearted chicken junk.

1. Obama will be out of office when this begins, SIX years from now.  That's SIX years in which the pollution loving Republican Party will attempt to overturn this so they can continue to burn every last bit of planet destroying fossil fuel.

2. Five percent?  Five stinking percent?  That's it?

Outlaw these pollution mobiles!  Auto makers will NEVER behave responsibly.  NEVER compromise with them.  NEVER!

Thomas Freidman, wake the heck up!  At first glance you seem like a somewhat enlightened mainstream writer but you're no better than the rest of the blowhards.