Saturday, August 30, 2008

Governor of ... Alaska? You're kidding, right?

John McCain selected Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, as his vice presidential running mate. Wow! I had recently suggested that McCain consider outside the box candidate Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, just as I had suggested that Barack Obama select the inside the box former Iowa governor and current U.S. Senator Evan Bayh. Obama selected instead Senator for life foot in mouth Joe Biden. Which was a worse pick? Of the four potential presidents: McCain, Obama, Palin and Biden, only this new person, the Alaska governor has real executive experience: two years as governor; she was mayor, too. However, governor of Alaska seems like county executive. Plus, five kids, one four months old. She should finish caring for her kids before being governor much less president. What kind of family values is that? Hey, somebody had to have the common sense to say it. Worse pick? It's not even close. Joe Biden has been a senator for 35 years and knows foreign policy. Sarah Palin lives closer to Russia than to any other state and does not want polar bears protected. With McCain unlikely to live out his term who in his/her right mind would be comfortable having Sarah Palin become president? Maybe her oldest child who is leaving for military assignment in Iraq. McCain has shown collosally poor judgment in selecting Sarah Palin. It is so poor that there is an outside chance that whatever Republican party elders still exist may influence both McCain and Sarah Palin that Sarah should reconsider and stay in the frozen tundra. McCain has panicked. He has done that throughout this campaign. He has turned flip flopping on its head, including being for something before he was against it. Maybe women will respond to Palin and vote her and McCain into national office. In 1984 the Democrats nominated for vice president a three term member of the House of Representatives, i.e., someone who had not won state wide office: Geraldine Ferraro. It's a tough call as to whether Ferraro or Palin was/is more unqualified to be president. In 1984 Reagan was the big favorite but when women entered the voting booth and saw the name Geraldine on the ballot they could have responded. You never know. That was the wild card then and it still is.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Vice President

Obama has made the collosally unimaginative choice of Joe Biden, the Delaware Senator who cannot keep his mouth shut. Biden has all the negatives of John McCain plus vanity and foolishness. Indiana Senator Evan Bayh should have been selected. Bayh was governor of Indiana, so he actually has EXECUTIVE experience which the other principals are lacking: Obama, McCain (a little as a Navy officer), Biden and Hillary Clinton. Bayh has foreign policy experience from his work in the Senate. Plus Bayh is modest and will remain in the background until he is called upon to assume the office of president, which along with breaking tie votes in the Senate are the sole the responsibilities of the vice president. Biden was chosen in part to be Obam's attack dog with McCain as the victim. McCain has been given a huge opportunity. Biden cannot attack McCain on age, tenure or having voted for the war in Iraq. Biden is a very conventional choice who adds little and subtracts much. He is no agent of change. McCain can make a bold choice: Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. She satisfies both the gender and race constituencies. Her baggage is the many foreign policy failures of President George Walker Bush but she could draw many of Hillary's disaffected supporters. Rice could be the wild card who makes the election really interesting.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Most overrated Favre: Brett.

Can anybody stand this guy? Favre is way overrated: Highest rating in a season: #43 - 99.7 in 1995. never lead NFL in a season. (QB rating 85.7, #19) Highest Passer Rating, Career (1,500 attempts) 96.8 Steve Young, Tampa Bay, 1985-86; San Francisco, 1987-1999 94.7 Peyton Manning, Indianapolis, 1998-2007 93.2 Kurt Warner, St. Louis, 1998-2003; N.Y. Giants, 2004; Arizona, 2005-07 Some random ratings: Montana 92.3. Marino 86.5 Staubach 83.4 Favre is insufferable. Favre is overexposed. Predictions on how Favre will do with the Jets now that he has weaseled his way out of Green Bay: 1. Favre will NOT play every game. 2. Favre will play poorly. 3. Aaron Rogers, the Packers preferred quarterback, will play better than Favre. 4. Favre may quit, retire or otherwise run away from New York. Look at Favre 's numbers for 2005 (70.9) and 2006 (72.7). It is far more likely that Favre will play like 2005 and 2006 than that Favre will play like he did in 2007 (95.7, sixth);Tom Brady lead with 117.2. Favre's 2007 season is unexplainable for a player who had been declining for years. No way Favre will approach his 2007 numbers. If Favre had any sense Favre would have stayed retired. Down deep Favre knows it. That's why Favre was equivocating. What teams has Favre defeated in the playoffs in the last five years? Seattle? Favre was not even the best QB in Packer history. Bart Starr was despite his 80.5 regular season rating; ratings were much lower then; Unitas had 78 and he is clearly better than Favre. How many bad playoff games did Starr play? Favre personally lost the 2007 NFC conference championship (70.7) game to the Giants. Eli Manning beat Favre and Eli has a career rating of 73.9. Eli is not very good and he outplayed Favre. Favre, go away to Green Bay.