Sunday, June 29, 2008

Person to panda to weasel.

Remember the late Senator Paul Tsongas? He was running in the 1992 Democratic party presidential primaries against Bill Clinton. Tsongas accused Clinton (the real Clinton, not to be confused with wife Hillary who is often referred to as Clinton even in articles, which also mention Bill and completely confuse the reader just to make some pointless feminist point) of being a panderer. Soon after that Tsongas displayed a stuffed panda bear to emphasise his point. Bill Clinton had become a panda before becoming the world champ weasel we came to know, especially during the sex scandal that lead to his impeachment. Yes, he was impeached but not convicted. Barack Obama has made that double metamorphosis so smoothly that many have not noticed. I think that Bill Clinton has noticed. That may be the real reason that Bill is sulking. Barack has succeeded him as world champ weasel without paying any penalty. Sucking up to Hillary is bad enough but this whole help the Clintons retire their campaign debt idea is sickening. Plus, could Obama weasel talk on more issues: guns, death penalty, mortgages, immigration, energy, blah, blah, blah. I cannot stand this guy any more. I cannot stand Hillary even more but I cannot stand the guy who so recently seemed like a breath of fresh air and now is stinking up the joint. Obama even messed up his response to Ralph Nader's criticisms. Based on Obama's comments you would think that Hillary Clinton is Abe Lincoln and Nader is some low life. Their respective contributions to humanity are not even in the same league. A vote for Ralph in the general election is possible. At least I can still stand him.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Message to Hillary Clinton Hillary, leave the planet. You have made the country safe for Laura Bush to run for president. You are delusional: Bosnia gun fire, glass ceiling (we ALL vote), gender bias against you, etc. I live in New York. Either go back to work representing me in the Senate or go away. Forget VP, secretary of state, Supreme Court, Secretary General of UN, Pope, ... You are delusional about your own importance. Message to Obama I donated to the Obama campaign. I am outraged at reports that Obama is considering sending money to Hillary Clinton to help retire her debt. If you do that, return my donation. I live in New York but am so disgusted with Hillary Clinton that I will not vote for her for anything, including vice president. There's always:

Message to Obama I donated to the Obama campaign. I am outraged at reports that Obama is considering sending money to Hillary Clinton to help retire her debt. If you do that, return my donation. I live in New York but am so disgusted with Hillary Clinton that I will not vote for her for anything, including vice president. There's always: