Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The United States Senate is a dumb idea.

The United States of America was founded on states rights. The best example of this is the absurd nature of the United States Senate in which each state has the same number of senators regardless of population. According to http://www.census.gov/ here is the U.S. population today: 308,742,516. This includes non-American citizens. The first census was done in 1790. The state totals are here: http://www2.census.gov/prod2/decennial/documents/1790a-02.pdf I created a document for the 1790 census, which shows the data: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tx0ONS8ONKuPMlty8v0CSqg&output=html In 1790 Virginia had 13 times more people per U.S. senator as Delaware. Each Delaware resident had 13 times more influence as each Virginia resident. Here is the state by state population for the 2000 census and through July 2009: http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/GCTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=01000US&-_box_head_nbr=GCT-T1-R&-ds_name=PEP_2009_EST&-_lang=en&-format=US-40S&-_sse=on California has the most residents and Wyoming the fewest. Their ratio of residents per U.S. senator as of July 2009 is 68. 68! That's five times worse than the max/min ratio in 1790. Wyoming residents have 68 times more influence than California residents. This is ridiculously outrageous. Instead of laughing at each others sophomoric wisecracks, those tea party morons should be pushing to reform the system of government. Fundamental reform of the system is the only hope we have of getting better results.

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