Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Electing the President: a new system


Kenneth Matinale

The 2008 primary and caucus circus has shown us that selecting nominees for president by the two major political parties is much worse than the electoral college system for the general election. I propose a simple fair system that combines the nominating and general elections.

The objective is for an American citizen to get forty percent of the votes cast. If two citizens get forty percent then obviously the one with the higher percent becomes president elect.

There would be at most three national elections. The first person to get forty percent becomes president elect. All elections may be one day, a weekend, a week, whatever. Voting would be online and the system could be used by states to elect members of the House or Senate at their discretion. Most states would use it for Congressional elections as it eliminates cost.

1. July 4 - Independence Day. What better time to start the process? The top four vote getters advance to the second round, unless of course someone gets forty percent and becomes president elect.

It is around the time of the first party convention. The Republican and Democratic parties swap having their conventions: one in July and the other in August. Since both are petrified to have the nominee actually selected at the convention this election would only be an improvement. The major parties can act before this to settle on a candidate to eliminate votes being splintered among multiple candidates and having all shutout of the next round. They can continue to jerk around with conventions, primaries, caususes, back room selections, ... However, people may vote for anyone. Third party candidates and those completely independent can receive votes. The major parties can be ignored. Ralph Nader and Mike Bloomberg would have a chance. An incumbent president might get the forty percent and end it.

2. Early September - Labor Day. The final four are on the ballot, although we could allow write-ins. Two will advance unless someone gets forty percent. Then it's over.

If the process were in place in 2008, the two finalists could be from the same party, say Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, eliminating John McCain and Mike Huckabee.

3. First week in November. This would be pretty much like what we have now but without the silly electoral college, winner take all nonsense.

Simple and fair. Easy to understand and implement.

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